Saturday, May 19, 2018

The researchers found that the incidence of arthritis in athletic runners was 13.3%

There has always been a saying that running hurts your knees and 90% of doctors don't recommend running. Is that true?

A study from the medical Authority, the Journal of Orthopaedic and Athletic physiotherapy, detonated a circle of friends. The researchers found that the incidence of arthritis in athletic runners was 13.3%,

while those who loved fitness runners had an average arthritis rate of 3.5%, while the incidence of arthritis in long-term sedentary populations was as high as 10.2%. At the same time, what is the reason?

Articular cartilage in the human body itself is "passive", because of the lack of blood vessels, it needs to rely on peripheral joints and cartilage to nourish blood vessels to provide nutrients, and this process requires a "pressure difference" to transform. For example, when you are exercising,

the articular cartilage is often squeezed to stimulate, the synovial fluid can flow in the joint, play the role of lubrication and provide nutrition, promote the metabolism. Conversely, if sedentary, there is no pressure in the joint cavity, the joint fluid cannot be released, unable to support.

In other words, continuous extrusion or continuous pressure is not conducive to articular cartilage and may cause structural damage. Theoretically, a stationary relaxation that lasts more than 4 hours may cause damage to the hinge structure in the joint.

Because there is no sitting posture completely static, so we do not pay enough attention to its harmfulness.

And for running, as long as the movement norms reasonable, impact on cartilage damage is negligible.

Patients with bone and joint need to "move rationally" Modern people spend a lot of time on sedentary work every day. Almost all the steps in life can be done by sitting. What's more, One-fourth of the time is sedentary every day.

The thought of sitting on the knee was a little stressful but found that sedentary results in arthritis.

Most of the elderly have more or less the problem of the knee joint, if combined with sedentary, it will make the knee problem more and more serious,

resulting in joint degeneration, induced knee joint inflammation. In particular, some middle-aged women with osteoporosis due to decreased estrogen levels.

The important substances in their cartilage matrix began to drain, the synovial fluid formed in the articular cavity decreased, the cartilage surface became dry,

the elasticity decreased, and the cartilage layer accelerated to wear and thinner. Most of them do not exercise for a long time, resulting in reduced muscle load, increased bone load, loss of joint protection, pain, swelling, effusion, degenerative changes and a series of pathological changes ensued.

For this part of the rehabilitation of the population needs to reasonably strengthen the joint around the small muscle group rehabilitation training, so as to stabilize the joint. To have a strong knee joint, hip and ankle training is also important, including core strength training.