Saturday, May 19, 2018

Sleeping Problem Solutions Advice

Sleeping Problem Solutions Advice

Insomnia According to the etiology can be divided into two types of primary and secondary.

    Primary insomnia Usually lack of a clear etiology, or in the elimination of the cause of insomnia may still leave insomnia symptoms, mainly including psychological and physiological insomnia, idiopathic insomnia and subjective insomnia 3 types.

     The diagnosis of primary insomnia lacks a specific index, which is mainly a kind of exclusion diagnosis. When the cause of insomnia may be excluded or cured, still left insomnia symptoms can be considered as primary insomnia.

     Psychological and physiological insomnia in clinical found that its etiology can be traced to a certain or long-term event on the brain edge system function stability, the imbalance of the stability of the function of the limbic system eventually led to the brain sleep dysfunction, insomnia occurred.

    Secondary insomnia Including insomnia due to somatic disease, mental disorder, drug abuse, and insomnia related to sleep-disordered breathing, sleep disturbance and so on.

    Insomnia often occurs at the same time as other diseases, sometimes it is difficult to determine the causal relationship between these diseases and insomnia, so in recent years,

    the concept of common disease insomnia, to describe those accompanied by other diseases of insomnia

   The clinical manifestations of insomnia patients mainly include the following aspects:

1. Obstacles to the sleep process

Difficulty falling asleep, falling sleep quality and decreased sleep time.

2. Daytime cognitive impairment

The memory function drops, the attention function drops, the plan function drops thus causes the daytime drowsiness, the workability drops, when stops the work to appear in the daytime drowsiness phenomenon.

3. Brain limbic system and its surrounding plant neurological dysfunction 

The cardiovascular system is characterized by chest tightness, palpitation, unstable blood pressure, contraction and expansion of peripheral blood vessels, constipation or diarrhea, stomach tightness, and the movement system is characterized by neck and shoulder muscle tension, headache and low back pain.

Decreased emotional control, easy to be angry or unhappy, men prone to impotence, women often appear sexual function reduction performance.

4. Other System symptoms

Short-term weight loss, impaired immune function, and endocrine dysfunction are likely to occur.