Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Etiology and clinical manifestation of gastric ulcer

 Etiology and clinical manifestation of gastric ulcer  

1. Helicobacter pylori infection Marshall and Warren were successful in cultivating Helicobacter pylori in 1983, and their infection played a role in the onset of peptic ulcer and received the Nobel Prize for medicine in 2005.

A large number of studies have amply demonstrated that Helicobacter pylori infection is the main cause of peptic ulcer.

2. Drugs and dietary factors

Long-term use of aspirin, corticosteroids and other drugs to cause this disease, in addition to long-term smoking, long-term drinking and drinking tea, coffee seems to have a certain relationship.

Drugs susceptible to gastric ulcer:

(1) A variety of aspirin preparation of long-term or large doses can cause stomach pain and discomfort, serious people can have vomiting, black stool, gastroscopy can be found in gastric mucosa inflammation, erosion and ulcer formation.

(2) Hormone replacement drugs, indomethacin, and phenylbutazone, which are hormone substitutes, have direct damage to the gastric mucosa and can lead to an acute gastric ulcer.

(3) Antipyretic analgesic drugs such as a.p.c, paracetamol, pain tablets and colds and other cold medicine.

(4) Treatment of coronary heart disease drugs such as sodium alginate (P.S.S), Dipyridamole, Reserpine, can also lead to a gastric ulcer, and even stomach bleeding.

(5) Anti-inflammatory drugs erythromycin, acetyl pylori, such as large-ring lactone antibiotics, easy to cause stomach discomfort.

(6) Anticancer drugs and other types of chemotherapeutic drugs often cause gastrointestinal stimulation.

3. Gastric acid and pepsin

The final form of peptic ulcer is due to gastric acid/pepsin digestion, gastric acid is the decisive factor in the occurrence of ulcers.

4. Stress mental factors Acute stress can cause stress ulcer.

People with chronic mental stress, anxiety or mood swings are susceptible to peptic ulcers.

5. Genetic factors

In some rare genetic syndromes, such as multiple endocrine adenoma types I, systemic mast cell increase, peptic ulcer is a part of its clinical manifestations.

6. Abnormal Gastric movement

Some patients with gastric ulcer have stomach motility disorder, such as gastric emptying delay induced gastric acid secretion increase and duodenal-gastric reflux caused by bile, pancreatic juice and hemolytic lecithin on gastric mucosa damage.

7. Other factors such as type I herpes simplex virus local infection may be related.

Cytomegalovirus infection can also be involved in patients with renal transplantation or immune deficiency.

Clinical manifestations of Upper abdominal pain is the main symptom of this disease. More in the upper abdomen can also appear on the left upper abdomen or sternum, sword after the sudden.

Often dull, blunt pain, painful, burning-like pain. Gastric ulcer pain in 1 hours after the meal, after 1-2 hours gradually alleviated, until the next meal after eating to reproduce the rhythm.

Some patients may be asymptomatic, or with bleeding, perforation and other complications as the first symptoms.