Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Hidden in the market of poisonous vegetables, doctors never buy!

Hidden in the market of poisonous vegetables, doctors never buy! Hurry and see for the family!

People are aware that eating is the most important factor affecting health.

Whether it's a food choice or a cooking technique, it determines the health of a dish. Today, the little herbalist is going to give us a few minutes--the science of buying vegetables.

You see, the following kinds of dishes, the doctors have to be repeated before buying, have you ever bought it?

No root bean sprouts

Bean sprouts crisp, and high nutrition, is common on the table vegetables, but this kind of no root bean sprouts, you can never buy.

Because this kind of bean sprouts in the production process in addition to a large number of use of root agents, preservatives, such as chemical raw materials, but also used bleach, fresh powder and other toxic chemical raw materials, but the veritable "poisonous bean sprouts."

Autumn Lentils

It is known that undercooked lentils are poisonous because lentils contain a natural poisonous substance called saponins that can be improperly processed to cause food poisoning.

Poisoned people will appear nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, flustered chest tightness, cold sweat, hands and feet chills, numbness of limbs, chills and other symptoms.

Therefore, do not covet when cooking, should be fully heated, so that the whole lentil color change, cooked inside and out, eating no beans smell, so you can avoid poisoning

Fresh fungus

Fresh food is a lot of food to the heart of people good, but, the edible fungus is not like a lot of vegetables, fruits, the fresher the better, for the fresh fungus to be careful to eat!

Because in the fresh fungus, contains a kind of porphyrin of light-sensitive material, people after eating through the sun can cause skin itch, edema, serious can cause skin necrosis.

And through the exposure of dry fungus, in the process will be most of the porphyrin decomposition off, and before eating, dry fungus and water immersion, which contains the remaining porphyrin will dissolve in water, so that the dry edible fungus can be safe to eat.

Need to note is, soak dry fungus need to change several times water, and soak the best not more than 2 hours, beware of long bubble breeding bacteria.

Immature tomatoes

Tomatoes bright color, sweet taste, sugar content, the price is not very expensive, because it contains a wealth of vitamins, can be eaten raw, known as "fruit-type vegetables." But many people know that tomatoes that are not ripe are not edible.

Not ripe tomatoes, eating a bitter feeling, serious may appear nausea, vomiting and other toxic symptoms, the raw danger is greater. This is because the undercooked tomatoes contain Solanum nigrum, which may lead to food poisoning.

Therefore, the green tomatoes are best fried cooked after eating or put to the redness.

The minced meat.

Many people like to buy in the supermarket has been twisted good meat, although convenient, but it is hidden health risks.

Because the life often has extremely individual supermarket's finished meat its raw material many for the fragmentary scrap or the day sells the remaining "Chen meat" and so on, but the consumer does not know.

So when buying meat, it is best to buy their own pieces of flesh, so that the scene of the business to grind into meat, although delay some time, but certainly can guarantee the meat.

Seafood with a heavy odor Aquatic product itself is rich in protein, but in pickling, drying, storage, and other processes will lead to protein decomposition, resulting in more amine substances.

The greater the smell of seafood, the more the protein decomposes.

Therefore, the purchase of dry goods when the taste slightly small, dry, and buy home after the low-temperature sealed storage, eat as soon as possible, with these foods do not add additional salt.

Discoloration of Laver Laver is supposed to be dry and thin, so the laver is healthier.

When buying seaweed, the main look luster, fresh seaweed color dark green and shiny.

Because Laver is easy to absorb tide, save bad or long time, the color will be purple, surface uneven slippery like a piece of rough paper, Laver Red or purple cannot eat.

If the color of seaweed soaked blue-purple, indicating that Laver has been contaminated with toxic substances, harmful to the human body, cannot be eaten.

Tremella itself is a nutrient-rich and nourishing civilian supplements have a good health effect.

When you buy Tremella, choose white or slightly yellow tremella, root yellowish, taste is tasteless or earthy smell of products.

Because the white fungus yellowing is serious, it may be caused by the contamination of the bacterium, which is harmful to the human body.

And if the color white fungus, there are chemical reagents bleaching may also advise not to buy oh.

Long-saved Pumpkin

Pumpkin is a closed spherical or strip fruit with high nutritional value and is an essential food for many people on the table.

But there is a high sugar content in the pumpkin rang, the storage time is long, rang will be anaerobic glycolysis, after eating may cause poisoning, performance for dizziness, drowsiness, weak body, serious will also diarrhea. Therefore, eat the old pumpkin, must be carefully inspected, the epidermis rotten, cut the session of the smell, such as the emission of alcohol and so on, indicating has deteriorated, do not eat again to prevent poisoning.