Saturday, May 26, 2018

During the autumn regimen

During the autumn regimen

Sack, the leaves are yellow, the leaves fall, autumn comes, the crisp fall, it feels comfortable and wide. Autumn is also the best health season, as the saying goes,

A summer without disease three points virtual", after the beginning of the autumn temperature gradually reduced, although the weather is cool, people are extremely prone to burnout, fatigue and so on.

In order to adapt to the changeable climate in autumn, you should pay attention to the following points in diet:

1, eat a degree, not blindly "paste fat." Summer weather is hot, people generally have a bad appetite, in the autumn, the climate is pleasant, the food is rich,

the appetite also with the big vibration, it does not pay attention, the diet will unknowingly overdose. Some people think that autumn is the harvest season, but also to fill the season, should increase dietary intake, supplemented by summer consumption.

The past Paste Autumn fat is because people usually cannot eat chicken, duck, fish and other animal food, weight overall is thin, so the autumn to eat more meat.

But now people live well, every day can eat food, and many people already belong to overweight and obesity. If the blind "stick fat", will absorb too much energy, excess energy will be converted into fat in the body accumulation, make people fat.

Obesity is a disease, but also a risk factor for chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.

Therefore, the autumn diet must be moderate, not indulge in appetite, feasting, to maintain a healthy weight.

2, the meal has the vegetables, eats the fruit every day. Autumn is the season of the year, vegetables and fruits are the most abundant, vegetables and fruits are vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and plant chemicals important sources, but also contains more water, low energy. Often eat fruits and

vegetables can promote good health, maintain intestinal normal function, improve immunity, reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, cancer and other chronic diseases.

The promotion of Dayton has vegetables, every day there is fruit.

3, light diet, less spicy greasy. Often eat greasy salty food is caused by obesity, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis and other chronic diseases, one of the risk factors.

High intake of dietary salts is closely related to the prevalence of hypertension. China's residents eat more than 10 grams of salt a day, far more than the recommended amount of 5 grams, daily intake of cooking oil 40 grams, far more than 25-30 grams of recommended volume.

Advised not to be too greasy, not too salty, do not often eat spicy, fried, smoked and pickled food.

4, enough to drink water, add moisture. Autumn dry gas is impatient, the human body moisture is easy to lose, need to pay attention to replenish in time.

There is not enough water in the body to feel thirsty, have headaches and affect cognitive ability. Healthy adults need about 2500 ml of water a day, in addition to getting a certain amount of water from food, you need to pay attention to drink water in time, at least 1500 ml of water a day. Don't drink water when you're thirsty.

The best choice of drinking water or light beverages, do not choose or choose less sugary beverages.