treatments can alleviate the symptoms of cancer

Through these treatments, can alleviate the symptoms of cancer, improve the quality of life

Eating before going to bed affects on the child

Eat a full, sleep- The childhood ballad faintly echoed in the ear. Eat enough to sleep waiting for a long time is a lot of parents accustomed to the practice, and some elders people see the child sleep is not enough to think is not full, hard to eat something.

Thursday, May 31, 2018

major causes of pituitary adenoma

Do you understand the three major causes of pituitary adenoma

A pituitary adenoma is a kind of multiple tumors, which brings many inconveniences to people's life, and the etiology of pituitary adenoma has become the focus of people's attention.
major causes of pituitary adenoma
major causes of pituitary adenoma

In the daily life we should pay more attention to some details, so that can be very good to prevent the occurrence of pituitary adenoma,

the following by introducing the etiology of pituitary adenoma: First, vascular factors: pituitary adenoma in the blood vessels rich, irregular blood sinus formation, blood sinus wall, tumor volume increase caused by the increase of local pressure caused by blood vessel rupture bleeding.

Modern angiography has confirmed that the blood vessels in the pituitary adenoma are smaller and different in diameter than the normal glands.

Under the electron microscope, these vessels were immature, the basement membranes were ruptured or segmental, and the peripheral space was compressed by plasma proteins and erythrocytes, which were the basis of pituitary adenoma hemorrhage.

Second, the type of tumor: prolactin adenoma, this is not only because it is more common in the pituitary adenoma, and because the tumor volume is generally larger, easy to cause local blood circulation and blood supply barrier.

In the past, it is thought that the pituitary apoplexy is more common in the larger adenoma, but it is thought that small adenoma can occur, many small adenoma strokes, the clinical symptom is not obvious, called Subclinical pituitary apoplexy.

Third, external stimulation induced: traumatic pituitary adenoma, if the head by external force, due to the skull and brain movement speed is inconsistent, tumor and neurocranium in the movement of the moment of squeezing or traction, leading to or promote blood vessels bleeding, especially tumor pathological vessels. Radiotherapy for pituitary adenomas can increase blood vessels in the tumor and increase the chance of bleeding. Some experiments show that estrogen can lead to hyperemia of the pituitary gland, prone to pituitary apoplexy.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Summer What to eat Health recommendation 11 kinds of vegetables heat-clearing solution

Summer What to eat Health recommendation 11 kinds of vegetable heat-clearing solution
Summer What to eat Health recommendation
Summer What to eat Health recommendation

Summer eat what regimen? Summer is the beginning of summer. Summer wet poison will affect human health, eat some cool vegetables conducive to shengjinzhike, in addition to annoyance, heat, purging fire, detoxification laxative.

Summer temperature is high, the human body loses much water, must replenish in time. A person eats 500 grams of melon vegetable every day, equal to drink 450 ml of high-quality water, and melon vegetables have the function that lowers blood pressure.

Then what summer eat vegetables? Below to recommend a few planting raw vegetables, take a look at it.

1, peas Summer to eat peas and rice this day. As the shell peas are shaped like eyes, and the ancient eye disease is common, people in order to eliminate eye disease, to eat peas to pray for a year in the eyes like fresh peas clear, no disease without disaster. Every 100 grams of pea contains vitamin B10.49 mg, is 3 times more than the soybean.

Hot sweats can lose a portion of B vitamins, so peas are good for summer consumption.

2, Bamboo Shoots Summer, there is the custom of eating "foot bone bamboo Shoots". "Foot bone Bamboo Shoots" is actually wild mountain bamboo shoots, wild bamboo shoots have many kinds, such as black bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots are wild bamboo shoots, people put the bamboo shoots after the peel Shell patted into a flat, and then cut into 4 centimeters or so small segments, looks like the shape of the foot bone.

The summer solstice, the start of the busy, we eat "foot bone bamboo shoots" to the meaning of "foot bone Health" (health).

3, garlic With the progress of agricultural science and technology, garlic can be seen throughout the year, but in a sense, this time is garlic "wagon", garlic high nutritional value, naturally needless to say.

Eating garlic can effectively prevent influenza, enteritis and other diseases caused by environmental pollution.

Garlic has a certain protective effect on cardio-cerebral vessels, which can prevent thrombosis and protect the liver.

4. Pea Seedlings From the beginning of the rain to summer this time, the most suitable for eating vegetables than pea seedlings. Pea sprouts slippery, slightly cold, is the dry season of cool food.

Contains a wealth of calcium, B vitamins, vitamin C and carotene, there are diuretic, diarrhea, swelling, pain and help digestion and other functions.

5, Broad Bean Jiangnan area like in summer season, so beans also known as summer beans, many people also will be a broad bean with big rice Shi, called "Broad bean Rice". Broad Bean is beneficial to spleen, dampness swelling and other effects, especially suitable for summer heat and moisture for heavy consumption.

Tender broad beans can be cooked directly after eating, the old broad bean can be used to cook rice, congee.

6, Amaranth Red Amaranth is summer when the seasonal vegetables, eat amaranth, vegetable basin left red soup juice, ask is "red" the luck of the pledge.

Amaranth has heat and detoxification, convergence hemostasis, anti-inflammatory and regressive, the efficacy of treatment of dysentery, for the hot and humid red-white dysentery and inflammation caused by the eye red eye pain, sore throat, and so on, have a certain degree of adjuvant therapeutic effect.

7, Cucumber Cucumber is the best food for summer, and its water content is the highest in all foods. Cucumber contains rich potassium salt and a certain amount of carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, carbohydrate, protein and phosphorus, iron and other nutrients.

Often eat cucumber porridge, can eliminate freckles, whitening skin.

8. Soybean Soy Bean is a fresh soybean, because of its pod with fine hair, so-called the soy. Fresh soy beans, pods of green, verdant and pleasant, is the summer of the public to eat vegetables. Summer eat soy beans can prevent because of a lot of sweating and anorexia caused by malnutrition, heatstroke and so on.

Soy beans can be directly with the skin to cook to eat, can also be used to fry to eat, such as fried chicken with green beans.

9. Spinach The study of water spinach, called ung, is rich in nutrients and contains more vitamins than tomatoes. Because it contains rich coarse cellulose, therefore, spinach in promoting intestinal peristalsis, laxative detoxification, has a unique role.

Records of traditional Chinese medicine, water spinach cool, pounded into juice after taking can solve food poisoning, external users can also play the role of swelling, dispel poison fire.

10. Soft Vegetable Every summer, in order to make summer not 疰 summer, not thin summer, there is the custom of eating soft vegetables.

From the beginning of Qingming has been listed, soft vegetables very clear fire, summer eat soft food is people pray after the summer will not produce prickly heat, skin will be as smooth as soft vegetables, and can dispense with mosquito bites, this kind of vegetables not only summer to eat, the whole summer eat also have the benefit.

11. Bamboo Shoots Because of the fresh texture, taste gan real, water is considered as a vegetable in the Japan, and meat and vegetables together, its taste fresher.

The organic nitrogen of the tender rice stem has the status of amino acid state and can provide sulfur elements, taste delicious, high nutritional value, easily absorbed by the human body. It is especially suitable for spring and summer consumption.

Three things you should be aware of when talking to a three-year-old baby

Three things you should be aware of when talking to a three-year-old baby
Three things you should be aware of when talking to a three-year-old baby
Three things you should be aware of when talking to a three-year-old baby

What is the meaning of communication with newborn babies, we already know that the sooner we speak to a child, the more important it is to develop his ability to read and understand his language. But how to talk to the children, many people think I have nothing to say to the children, or I am afraid I say bad.

Some people think I have been talking to him for a long time, but there seems to be no effect.

Today we're going to focus on sharing the three little things you should be aware of when talking to a three-year-old baby.

First, put the keywords that you want to say at the end of the sentence, or improve the tone. If you want your child to learn a new word, you also need to be methodical. For a long time. Adults like to talk to their children in a special language--the baby language.

A study found that when moms talk to babies, they like to put new words or important words at the end of a sentence. Also in this study, the researchers asked adults to use similar words to help other adults learn a new technical term. One of the biggest differences is that when a mother says a new word to her baby, it increases the tone, but not for other adults.

When you say a word, you raise the tone, and you put it at the end of the sentence, it really makes the word stand out. For example, when we teach children, want to let him know the word "basketball", we will point to the picture of basketball said, "basketball, this is basketball, this is the baby's basketball.

Second, do not correct the error, only to give the correct paradigm. When my daughter was a child, she often called the couch the sand.

My mother-in-law thought it was fun and kept repeating the way she was wrong, and she still couldn't change it. When the child is learning to speak, a lot of words are not clear, even there will be mistakes. We should not imitate the child's lovely voice and the funny word habit.

Of course, we are not suitable to correct others.

Because of the correction, it is often the case that such a scene exists:

Sofa, come talk to mom, sofa.

Hair sand.

Listen clearly to the sofa, not hair sand, sofa.

Hair sand.

Seriously, couch. Hair sand.

I know how to send sand.

It was not the child who was playing with us, but at that time he thought he said the same thing we said, so don't try to correct them.

He has no way of saying the right words, in any case correct. In fact, this is a child language development of a necessary process, when he made a mistake, we first have to do is not imitation, do not have to correct. We just have to give him a proper paradigm "couch, this is the couch."

"That's enough!" he said.

Third, repeat, repeat, repeat.

In this period we will also find very important baby characteristics, when he will say a word, he will keep saying this sentence, powerless scene, whether the environment is suitable for him will keep saying. When he reads a story, so does he.

He would ask us to keep repeating the same storybook, or the same sentence in the story.

The child is confirmed by repeated repetition: I will say this, I know the word. At this time we need to hold a great deal of patience, repeated, repeated, repeat. If you're really bored with a storybook, you just let it disappear.

When the child finds a new favorite storybook, he forgets the book that made you vomit.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Mulberry 10 kinds of curative effect

Mulberry 10 kinds of curative effect
Mulberry 10 kinds of curative effect
Mulberry 10 kinds of curative effect
Fresh vegetables and fruits are essential to our daily diet, especially fruit. Fruit contains more nutrients, for our health, also have a lot of benefits. There is a kind of black fruit has a curative effect, it is mulberry. What healing effect does Mulberry have?

Let's take a look at the following with the folk medicine.

The black fruit has 10 healing effects.

There is a lot of mulberry on the medicinal value of the exposition, the traditional Chinese medicine, mulberry-like cold taste gan, with tonifying the kidney and nourishing the liver and Sheng Jin runs dry role.

Mulberry juice thick as honey, sour Sweet fragrance, contains a very rich nutrition, also known as Folk holy fruit. Although Mulberry is a small black fruit, it has a high nutritional value.

Mulberry is rich in vitamins, active protein, amino acids, minerals and sugars, Sango vitamins mainly include vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin C, Sango carbohydrates mainly include glucose, sucrose, and fructose.

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Many people feel that all the fruit is the highest nutritional value of the apple, there is such a saying, an apple a day, the doctor away from me.

But the nutritional value of the Mulberry is 5 times that of the Apple, is 4 times the grape, therefore, everybody may as well eat the Mulberry to be more in peacetime.

The curative effect of Mulberry

1. Treatment of Dyspepsia Eating is what we have to do every day, in the face of tempting food, we will inevitably eat more, eat up.

So, how should we prevent and treat the symptom of indigestion? Whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner, we have to eat only eight full. If the stomach after eating has not digested the phenomenon, we might as well eat mulberry.

Because Mulberry contains tannin, fatty acids and malic acid and other nutrients, can decompose body fat, starch, and protein, promote gastrointestinal digestion and absorption.

2, treatment of white hair Small weave here said the white hair, is not the old man director's white hair. Sickness and death are the laws of nature, and no one can change them.

However, many people grow a lot of white hair at an early age, and this phenomenon is also called Shaobaito.

To bid farewell to the troubles of Shaobaito, we usually might as well eat more mulberry. Mulberry is containing a large number of human body needs of nutrients, but also contains Ufa, often edible mulberry can make our hair become black shiny.

Therefore, Mulberry not only has the effect of health care but also can help us to beauty Ufa.

3. Relieve Constipation The recent weather is relatively dry, if we eat too much spicy and greasy food, we will easily suffer from constipation symptoms.

The taste of constipation can be bad, the body's toxins cannot be discharged in time, but also let us become fat and ugly. To say goodbye to the problems of constipation, we can eat more mulberry, here is not raw mulberry.

We can be 40g of mulberry and 20g of rock sugar with boiling water after drinking because Mulberry can be born cold, and rock sugar sex flat can breed body fluid. Often drink mulberry rock sugar water, you can alleviate the intestinal fluid caused by the lack of bowel fluids dry, which can help us alleviate the symptoms of constipation.

4. Treatment of anemia Women if the two flourishing words will look good, if the lack of qi and blood, we are also prone to illness. Many people suffer from anemia because of unreasonable eating and sleeping habits.

So, what should we do to improve the symptoms of anemia, with a gas? In daily life, we might as well eat more mulberry, because Mulberry has a good blood effect. We can soak the freshly cooked mulberry in rice wine and drink it after one month.

Every time we drink a small cup, drink two times a day, long time can help us to treat the symptoms of anemia.

5. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis Many people will develop rheumatoid arthritis after age, and many office workers are sedentary, sitting for a long time, there will be symptoms of joint pain.

So, how should we relieve the symptoms of joint pain?

We can use the fresh Mulberry water to fry, stick to it, you will find the symptoms of rheumatic joint pain have been significantly reduced.

6, the treatment menstruation does not adjust Presumably most female friends will feel abdominal pain every month for a few days and feel uncomfortable all over the body.

Menstruation does not adjust the symptom to have many kinds, most are because of the QI and blood two deficit causes, the menstruation does not adjust besides to bring the unwell feeling to the body, also easily causes the infertility symptom.

We can fry the fresh mulberry into mulberry juice, then add the honey to stir evenly after drinking. Drink three times a day and drink about 10 grams at a time.

Insist on drinking, it can help us to treat menstrual disharmony and dizziness symptoms.

7, the treatment of kidney deficiency To have a good life, we must have a better kidney function. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that the liver is the main source of blood, kidney marrow, liver, and kidney is the body storage energy place.

And Mulberry is cold taste gan, has a good kidney nourishing liver role.

If we can drink mulberry juice, not only can replenish physical strength, but also can treat the symptoms of kidney deficiency.

8. Treatment of Insomnia Insomnia is a common disease of modern people if we do not sleep well, then we can not have sufficient energy.

To say goodbye to insomnia, we can also use Mulberry to help us treat insomnia. We will boil the fresh mulberry juice, and then slowly boil into a thick juice, cooling and then take it.

Take three times a day, take 20 ml each time, adhere to, neurasthenia caused by insomnia symptoms will be relieved.

9. Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases The above-mentioned Mulberry contain tannin, malic acid, and vitamins, in fact, Sango also contains fatty acids.

Mulberry in the fat is mainly linoleic acid, palmitic, stearic acid and linseed oil and so on, in addition, Sango also contains rich resveratrol. Resveratrol is an effective antioxidant that inhibits the peroxide reaction of proteins and reduces the cytotoxicity of oxidative reactions.

Resveratrol reduces platelet aggregation and can help prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis.

10, anti-cancer

Mulberry contains a large number of rutin, rutin this material with cooling blood hemostatic and bactericidal effect, in the prevention and treatment of colon cancer has a certain effect. Conclusion: If we can insist on eating a fruit every day, our body will become more and more healthy. Folk medicine suggested that everyone might as well eat some mulberry, this black fruit although very humble, but has a high nutritional value. Regular consumption of Mulberry can also help us to treat constipation, insomnia, anemia and other common diseases, you may wish to try.

Monday, May 28, 2018

wrong clothes or cause infertility during menstruation

We are wrong clothes or cause infertility during menstruation
Wear wrong clothes or cause infertility during menstruation
Wear wrong clothes or cause infertility during menstruation
The menstrual period is a special period of special care for girls, clothing should pay special attention because if the menstrual wear wrong clothes, mayor leads to infertility.

Menstrual wear improper care cause infertility

Girls in the menstrual period if the use of too tight women's obscene clothing, easy to make menstrual outflow is not smooth, and in the takeoff will make the pelvic cavity pressure mutation, easy to cause menstrual countercurrent to appear menstrual pain, lumbago, ovarian endometriosis, or even lead to infertility.
Wear wrong clothes or cause infertility during menstruation

Women should dress like this during menstruation

1. Prepare menstrual special Underwear According to the director of Gynecology who explained that some of the quality of the car on the back of the sanitary napkin is too much glue, the glue on the underwear, it is difficult to wash completely from the underwear removed.

Whether the glue is not a harmful substance, but it must be an artificial chemical substance, if the menstrual through the underwear put in peacetime wear, not have time to completely clean off the glue may be directly exposed to the female vagina, so that women easily suffer from vaginitis or genital diseases such as gynecological disease, therefore, it is recommended to prepare a few underwear in menstrual wear,

Usually, wear other underwear.

2. Menstrual change Underwear According to common sense, in peacetime no special circumstances, underwear are worn all day, wait until the bath time replacement.

But pay attention in the menstrual period, although the underwear is affixed with sanitary napkin, but because the moist vulva environment will easily produce some bacteria, these bacteria are easy to walk, run to the underwear, also said that menstrual use of the underwear on the bacteria are several times more than weekdays, if a pair of underwear wear all day,

The cumulative amount of bacteria is how astonishing, for this reason, during menstruation, advised changing their underwear frequently.

3. Not wear a thong in menstrual period Because to enhance the close-fitting effect, some thongs are made of chemical fiber material with poor permeability, which can cause skin breakage, infection or allergy. Therefore, the thing is not suitable for long-term wear, especially during menstruation. The cover of the thing is small, with only one rope or cloth belt in the related area.

Cloth Belt Local pressure is strong, and constantly rub with the skin, it is easy to make local skin damage, infection.

4. Menstrual taboo Wear tight clothing Beauty of women want to highlight the shape of the curve, in the menstrual period also often wear tight clothing, but in fact, menstrual wear tight clothing harm a lot. Many experts say that there is an inalienable relationship between tights and the occurrence of endometriosis.

That is because of a large number of female vaginal bleeding outflow, poor ventilation will allow microbial breeding, and, vaginal hair follicle gland, tights will make the secretion of the sweat glands obstructed, but also suppress the uterus, so that menstrual circulation is not smooth, will cause dysmenorrhea and easy to lead to some vaginal inflammation.

5. Don't wear too thin during menstruation Both in summer and winter, the body's resistance to the menstrual period declines, the ability to keep warm, if because of the relationship between the beauty of the menstrual also wear thin, human pores will easily be cold invasion, leading to a series of diseases, and for women, the most lethal is to make the uterus cold, which will not only bring dysmenorrhea, Menstrual disorders and other symptoms, but also lead to infertility, sexual cold talk, and so on.

To this end, menstrual must wear warm, especially the waist of the uterus part.

6. Less wear high heels during menstruation The human body is a sensitive and complete system, which is called a moving one and holding the whole body.

Many white-collar women have to wear high heels to work, not in line with the human health function of high heels has been controversial, the harm needless to say, if in the period also wear high heels, foot of the blood circulation blocked, the entire body of the blood circulation system is not working, this will affect the uterine bleeding discharge, resulting in the blood, Menstruation does not adjust and so on symptom.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

What kind of tea is suitable for summer

We all know that tea is good for our body, but different tea is not the same for the body, so we need to choose the tea carefully.

What kind of tea is suitable for summer?

1, scented tea Scented tea is known as a natural health drink and is ideal for use in summer.

Summer drink scented tea can play the role of thirst, in addition to it also has the stomach, beauty, and treatment of colds, relieve the annoyance of the role.

Summer is best to take the cooling effect of cool tea, but the spleen and stomach weaker people should take warm or neutral tea.

2, Ginger The old medicine thinks, although the summer feels very hot, the human body belongs to a kind of outside heat inside cold condition.
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In summer many people always like to stay in the cool place, eats the cold food, this actually can injure the spleen and stomach, easily causes the stomach to ache or to pull the belly.

Therefore, it is best to choose some hot food in summer or tea to regulate the spleen and stomach.

Brown sugar ginger is very suitable for women in dysmenorrhea time to take, the amount of summer to eat some more, but also to treat colds, at the same time play the role of activating blood stasis, but also suitable for some people with spleen and stomach deficiency cold.

3. Black tea Black tea is a common health tea, nutrient-rich and has the role of cool solution, suitable for use in the summer.

Drink a little black tea every day, which can effectively protect the normal work and improve the body's immunity.

If there are diseases such as gastroenteritis in summer, taking some old black tea is conducive to the rapid recovery of health.

4. Green Tea Green tea is just the general designation of tea, Longjing, Tieguanyin, Biluochun and so on are green tea.

Green tea tastes a little bitter, cold, with the heat, too hot and detoxification, Sheng Jin, improve the spirit of the effect.

The modern medical research found that green tea contains a large number of vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements, after taking not only can heat but also increase the body's absorption of nutrients.

After the summer lunch break, many people will feel sleepy, then drink green tea, tea contained in the caffeine will stimulate our central nervous, thinking will be active.

5. White Tea The study found that people who used to drink white tea in summer rarely heatstroke, why? Experts say this is because white tea contains a lot of amino acids that the body needs, which strengthens the body's role in removing heat from the pyrolysis.

After the comparison also found that white tea sterilization is far stronger than green tea, the bactericidal ability is very good, often drink white tea can effectively enhance oral cleansing and health.

6, black tea Black tea has the role of refreshing thirst, this is mainly due to a large number of black tea containing polyphenols and amino acids and sugar substances, these substances into the body and saliva occurred after the reaction, stimulate the large amount of saliva secretion, so that the mouth becomes moist, the body will feel moister. In addition, regular use of black tea for gastrointestinal health effects.

The psychological conflict behind love control

The psychological conflict behind love control

The people who control desire are full of conflict, which is divided into two kinds: one is the conflict that is not accepted by oneself, the other is the conflict that avoids the challenge of the outside world and demands the promotion of oneself.

1 The conflict of their own not accepting A person's acceptance of oneself often stems from the parents ' acceptance of themselves or some kind of traumatic experience in their early growing environment.

For example, parents always despise themselves think oneself is always not good, even often express disappointment, dislike of feelings, then the child will be weak and incompetent part of the fear, and may experience a large number of being accused of weak incompetent.
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And in the subconscious repressed too much pain and humiliation of emotion. These painful emotions are so strong that the parties do not dare to put it out to face it, in the early years he used the avoidance of the way not to face this emotion, also did not develop the ability to deal with these emotions.

Even the parties will seriously deny this side of their personality, unwilling to touch their weak, vulnerable, helpless parts, and strive to prove that he is a strong, powerful, correct and high people, to defend their subconscious wounds.

Some people do not accept their own fragile, weak, inferior to others, some people may not accept separation, some people can not accept mistakes.

What is buried beneath all rejection is the immense fear the fear of being abandoned, the fear of not being loved, the fear of being bad. People who are too controlling often use the deny defense mechanism to avoid these problems, but they often experience great fear, commonly known as insecurity.

So they grab the surroundings like straws and hope that the outside world or someone else can get them out of this sense of insecurity that they are strong, powerful, attractive, and absolutely right to stabilize their hearts.

Therefore, many people also found that a control freak behind is often a loss of security. For example, a middle-aged woman who tracks her husband all day, behind her husband's control is the loss of her charm and self-confidence.

A leader who demands that subordinates must be respectful to you, behind the control of subordinates is not confident or even panic about their abilities.

2 The challenge to the outside world to raise their own requirements of avoidance Once the control forms the habit, the avoidance also naturally will form, this causes, the control wants the strong person to use many external attributions to perceive oneself encounters the event.

They will cling to themselves. I'm fine, I'm right. Self-feeling and other good appearances, it is difficult to reflect on themselves, which may also allow their mental level to stagnate.

For example, a mother is never willing to face up with their children growing, will become more assertive, will be emotionally separated from themselves, and they must be psychologically growing, to accept this inevitable loss of the situation.

She will ignore the child will have their own feelings, will have their own opinion of the fact, and forced to use the child is not obedient is not love her theory to understand the problems of the son.

The result is a strong control and repression of children, this is the mother of their own need to face the psychological growth of the son, artificial to the son to weave a wrong problem, let his son face the typical performance of the solution.

Such questions are particularly problematic with regard to the relationship between parents and children.

Many parents by default for their own parents, do not need to grow, take for granted that in the children and their own inconsistencies, it must be children have problems, and never reflect on their own, this simple and rude attitude is the cause of many family parents high control root.

The same relationship can easily occur between the leader and the subordinate, between the husband and the wife. In a word, anyone who thinks he is 100% in a relationship is apt to leave the responsibility of the relationship to the other side, and it is easy to form control.

What kind of medicinal porridge is good to drink in summer

What kind of medicinal porridge is good to drink in summer? Recommend nine medicinal herbs congee

summer drink what medicinal porridge good? Here are a few summers to recommend some cool medicinal porridge, so that you cool a summer.

What kind of medicinal porridge is good to drink in summer?

Materials: 2 grams of Panax quinquefolium, the 8 grams of the mother, 50 grams of rice, the amount of rock sugar. Practice: The first will be the case, Dendrobium, know a mother with cloth wrapped, add water fry 30 minutes, leaving 500 ml of juice, and then add rice into gruel, cooked ginseng powder into and evenly, to flavor sugar.

Suitable for summer high fever, no sweat or less sweat.

Two, kudzu root porridge

Material: Radix puerariae powder 20 grams, japonica rice (50 grams). Practice: After washing the rice into the pot, add water to the right amount of porridge, when cooked rotten, put the Pueraria powder and then boil a moment.

Suitable for summer fever, dry mouth thirsty people eat.

Three, the porridge

Material: 15 grams, 50 grams of Japonica rice. Practice: The fish will be washed and cooked soup sauce, and wash the rice with boiled porridge.
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can be eaten 1 times a day.

Role: Has nourishing yin soothe the nerves, cooling effect.

Four, Lotus leaf lotus root porridge

Material: Fresh lotus leaf 1, fresh lotus root 1 knots, japonica rice 50 grams, sugar amount. Practice: First wash the lotus leaf to cut into pieces, put in the pot with water decoction, filter 500 ml of juice, and then the Lotus root wash cut into small grains, and wash the rice together into the juice boiled gruel, add sugar seasoning after eating.

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It can be eaten 3 times a day. function: Clearing heat, and stomach.

It is suitable for summer heat and anorexia.

Five, Dandelion Porridge

Materials: 30 grams of dandelion, 50 grams of japonica rice, sugar amount. Practice: The dandelion Wash, put in the pot to add water to fry, Filter juice 500 ml or so, and then add washed rice porridge, when ripe with sugar seasoning, then boil a moment.

Daily 1 dose, can be used for 5-7 days.

function: Clearing away heat and detoxifying, and swallowing swelling.

Six, mung bean porridge

Materials: 5 red JuJube, 15 grams of mung bean, 10 grams of sugar, 50 grams of Japonica rice. Practice: The red jujube, mung bean wash, the same into the pot, add water amount, the fire boiled after the small heat stew, mung bean will be crisp when added to wash rice continue to boil to porridge cooked, add sugar mix thoroughly, cool after consumption.

can be eaten 1 times a day.

Role: Clearing heat and detoxifying, thirst, diuretic swelling.

Seven, Lily and silver flower porridge

Materials: 25 grams of lily, silver flower 3 grams, 50 grams of rice, sugar amount. Practices: Lily Wash, silver flower bake grind into a thin end, after boiling rice into lily cooked to porridge ripe, put the silver flower and sugar thoroughly.

can be eaten 1 times a day.

Function: Has the effect of clearing away heat and inflammation, shengjinzhike.

Eight, winter melon beans porridge

Material: 250 grams of wax gourd, beans 15 grams, 50 grams of rice, the amount of rock sugar. Practices: wax gourd peeled dice, beans, japonica wash, beans into the pot add water after boiling, add rice, a wax gourd with boiled to ripe, add rock sugar and evenly, then boil a moment.

can be eaten 1 times a day.

function: have diuretic swelling, antipyretic poison, stop tired of thirst effect.

Nine, rice porridge

Material: Dameron, japonica 50 grams each. Practices: barley kernels, rice Amoy after the same into the pot, add water to the amount of porridge cooked.

can be eaten 1 times a day.

There is heat cooling, thirst for health, supplement the effect of QI. The above is for you to introduce summer drink what medicinal porridge good, I believe we all understand clearly.

Summer Porridge Health is a good choice, porridge is conducive to health, often eat porridge can be nursed in the spleen and stomach, improve appetite, but also to prevent disease. I wish you all a healthy diet in the summer and a healthy body.

Six herbal prescriptions to make you white and beautiful

Six herbal prescriptions to make you white and beautiful

The female face often appears the spot has the freckle, the Chloasma and so on, its main and female endocrine, heredity, disease and so on have the relation.

Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that the appearance of color spots is the liver stagnation, spleen deficiency, liver, and kidney insufficiency, can be alleviated by some diet prescription:

1, white Duck to eliminate the spot Yang White Duck 1, 100 grams of raw, 200 grams of yam, medlar 30 grams, the appropriate amount of seasoning.

White duck to hair miscellaneous bone, wash, with salt, pepper, yellow rice wine smear duck body, sprinkle with onion ginger marinate about 1 hours after the cut to ding, yam slices. Raw cloth bag, bowl bottom, and then into Medlar, Yam, medlar, duck ding, steamed cooked on the cage, 2-3 a week.

May benefit the liver kidney, raises the yin to eliminate the spot.
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2, pig kidney plaque porridge Pig Kidney 1 pairs, 50 grams of seed, yam 100 grams, 200 grams of rice, salt amount. Will pig kidney fascia, wash dice, add the medicine, rice with Ga Qing water porridge, salt seasoning, divided into 2 times to eat, daily 1 agent.

Can complement kidney and spleen, dispel silt and stain.
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3. The Chinese wolfberry is scattered Medlar 100 grams, 30 grams of raw habitat. Will Qi Zi, the raw bake, grinds, mixes evenly, each takes 10 grams, daily 3 times, the warm boiled water or uses the liquor amount blunt, continuously January.

Can complement liver and kidney, go to black spot.

4. Invigorating the spleen and removing plaque porridge 30 grams of raw yam, lotus rice, Chixiaodou every 15 grams, Sheng-Ren, sheng Gorgon, white lentils every 10 grams, 10 jujubes, rice 100 grams. Add the medicine to boil 40 minutes later, into rice porridge, divided into 2, morning and evening, for January consecutive.
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It can invigorate the spleen and dispel the liver, and eliminate the spot of lipid.

5. Black and white speckle elimination Need 10 grams of black fungus, white fungus 5 grams. Two ears to grind the end, each time 5 grams, daily 3 times, honey water brewed into tea, continuous January.

Can eliminate the silt spot, embellish the skin to nourish the muscle.

6, Angelica Hawthorn Tea Need Angelica, hawthorn every 10 grams, Bai Yupi, white Tribulus Terrestris every 5 grams. The medicine in the same cup, washed into boiling water, sealed soak for 10-20 minutes offspring tea drinking, daily 1 agents, consecutive January.

Can hydrophobic liver and spleen, eliminate spot stasis.
The above is the folk medicine for you detailed introduction of freckle medicinal side, warm tips, the long spot of MM on the daily diet to be paid attention to avoid in the daytime to eat photosensitive food, lest aggravate the color spots.

treatments can alleviate the symptoms of cancer

Through these treatments, can alleviate the symptoms of cancer, improve the quality of life

Some people say that symptomatic treatment is not a permanent cure, no use, but for patients with advanced cancer, symptomatic treatment has a special significance, improve the quality of life, improve the confidence of treatment, many times there is the role of prolonging life.

Many clinical symptoms of advanced cancer patients are important factors that affect the quality of life, including physical and mental manifestations.
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Through these treatments, can alleviate the symptoms of cancer, improve the quality of life.

The physical complications of the long-term survival of cancer, on the one hand, from cancer treatment, such as surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy permanent damage, that is, the long-term complications of the tumor, on the other hand from the middle and late tumors themselves have many clinical symptoms, but also caused a lot of psychological and social problems.

Special emphasis is placed here on psychological and social issues, which are often overlooked by medical personnel and the community.

For example, early breast cancer patients, after surgery and radiotherapy, chemotherapy, cancer can achieve complete cure, but the patient because of lack of one breast and distress, combined with the treatment of hair loss, complexion chlorosis, fatigue, pain, anorexia, upper limb edema, the patient's mental suffering from the anxiety and treatment of injuries caused by the double blow, Sometimes can cause serious psychological obstacles, thus affecting the quality of life, and even the idea of suicide, so that the treatment effect is destroyed, and the correction of psychological disorders is a lot of hospital's weak links.

Due to clinical emphasis on radical treatment, neglect of symptomatic treatment, so that some complete remission and partial remission of the patient's quality of life significantly decreased, resulting in a doctor satisfaction but the patient sad phenomenon, so that some suitable for release, chemotherapy patients, due to fear of adverse reactions and give up treatment.
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Therefore, clinicians in the treatment of cancer patients, not only to pay attention to "conventional" treatment, but also to recognize the need for symptomatic treatment and palliative care, and with the implementation of psychological treatment, so as to obtain the best results.

At present, there are many methods of symptomatic treatment, and the curative effect has been improved. such as bone metastasis pain, other cancer pains, malignant pleural effusion, and ascites, cancer fever, jaundice, brain edema, there are many effective new treatment methods.

Also such as in the release, chemotherapy in nausea, vomiting, bone marrow suppression, constipation, diarrhea, important organs (heart, liver, kidney) functional injury, such as the Chinese and western medicine treatment, there are satisfactory results.
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And soon, it can be said that symptomatic treatment has gradually become the protagonist from a supporting role. Here, we still have to emphasize the significance and value of symptomatic treatment of traditional Chinese medicine.

According to our experience, reasonable and ingenious use of Chinese medicine and external treatment methods, the above symptoms of improvement or correction of the good effect, it is worth making full use of.

Baby Autumn Diarrhea Diet Essentials

Baby Autumn Diarrhea Diet Essentials

Autumn is a high incidence of baby diarrhea, baby gastrointestinal tenderness, improper feeding methods, climate change, pathogen infection and other factors are easy to make baby diarrhea. Baby diarrhea, home care is very important.

Some parents think that the baby to eat light when diarrhea, so only to children and white porridge, this method is not it? Baby diarrhea when the diet should pay attention to what problems?

Guangzhou, chief physician of Digestive medicine at the Medical Center for Women and Children, He Wanri said the diet regimen should be different for diarrhea caused by different causes.

Keep feeding, no fasting There is a concept that the baby should be fasting when diarrhea, this can reduce gastrointestinal burden, thereby slowing gastrointestinal peristalsis, reduce the number of diarrhea.

But the fact is quite the contrary, fasting causes hunger to increase the number of gastrointestinal peristalses multiplied, the number of diarrhea will also increase.

The new concept of diarrhea diet is to promote continued feeding, do not need to fast, so as to prevent the child's short-term weight loss, especially those who drink breast milk to continue breastfeeding.

Unless the child vomiting acuteness or after eating abdominal distension, diarrhea is obvious, can be temporarily given a fast 4-6 hours.

Timely rehydration, prevent dehydration Baby diarrhea pay attention to oral rehydration, prevent dehydration from diarrhea when the disease should start.

The baby should be allowed a small number of times a day to drink water or gruel, or increase the number of lactation, or feeding diluted milk and oral rehydration salts (ORS).

A dosage of oral rehydration salts: the baby after each row after the sparse stool, to add a certain amount of rehydration salts, has been eating to stop diarrhea.

Generally, less than 6 months of children each time 50ml,6 months to 2 years old each time 100ml,2-10 years old each time the child can drink as much as how many.

The Pathogeny of baby diarrhea is different, diet plan also is different Some parents in still diarrhea, only give the child to drink white porridge, think this is the smallest stimulation of the stomach.

But the baby's growth and development need comprehensive nutrition, including protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and so on, diarrhea generally need a few days or even 2 weeks to recover, if only eat white porridge, the child's nutrition will not keep up, easy to affect growth and development.

1. Breastfeeding babies should continue breastfeeding.

2. Infants under the age of 6 months who are not breastfed should continue to be fed with formula milk.

3. More than 6 months of age, the baby should continue to eat the daily food has been used, such as porridge, noodles, rotten rice, eggs, fish, minced meat, fresh fruit juice and so on.

Parents encourage the baby to eat, such as less consumption, can increase the number of feeding.

You should also avoid feeding your baby vegetables, fruits and high sugar foods containing crude fiber.

4. Viral enteritis often secondary disaccharide enzyme (mainly lactase) lack of suspected cases can temporarily give the baby to drink low (or go) lactose formula milk, time 1-2 weeks, diarrhea improved can be converted to the original feeding mode.

5. Sugar-induced diarrhea: lactose intolerance is the most common.

To treat this kind of baby should adopt to disaccharide diet, can use to go (or low) lactose formula milk or bean base protein formula.

6. Allergic diarrhea: The most common allergy to milk. Milk allergy baby should avoid eating allergic food or adopt oral desensitization feeding method, do not limit already tolerated food.

Infants are usually able to be deeply hydrolyzed casein formula, if still intolerant, and may be based on an amino acid formula or a whole-factor diet.

7. Factor diet: Suitable for chronic diarrhea, intestinal mucosal injury, absorption of a bad syndrome.

8. Intravenous nutrition: Used in a small number of severe cases, cannot tolerate oral nutrition, accompanied by severe malnutrition and low protein blood disease.

In doing the above nursing work, parents should also observe the baby's condition at any time, such as the condition is not improved, or a serious dehydration situation should be promptly sent to the hospital for treatment.

Women are more stressed and more sad Than Men

Women are more stressed and sadder Than Men

Stress is sensitive to heart health damage.

Women are more at risk for heart disease than men because of stress, and women with heart disease are prone to serious complications when they are under stress, according to a new US study.

Heart disease is one of the major causes of death in the world, usually with more males, but in people over 50 years of age, men and women are at close risk.

Previous studies have found that heart disease is associated with stress, which can lead to unhealthy lifestyle habits that harm heart health, such as smoking, alcoholism, and overeating.

Stress also increases the level of stress hormones in the body, causing blood pressure to rise and heart rate to accelerate, eventually leading to heart disease.

Women under stress are more likely to develop early signs of thrombosis, a process known as increased platelet aggregation, according to a new study that stresses or can change the way clots are formed. Clots can clog arteries and cause heart attacks.

Blood flow to the heart of a heart attack will decrease, resulting in myocardial ischemia, damage to the heart muscle, and poor heart pumps blood capacity.

The link between stress and cardiovascular disease is well known, said Dr. Zainab Shamad, a medical center at Duke University in North Carolina State, USA. The study showed that the effects of psychological stress on cardiovascular health were gender differences.

She says doctors should take into account the fact that stress is more important to women in diagnosing heart disease and adopt a measure of protection.

Eating before going to bed affects on the child

Eating before going to bed affects on the child

Eat a full, sleep- The childhood ballad faintly echoed in the ear. Eat enough to sleep waiting for a long time is a lot of parents accustomed to the practice, and some elders people see the child sleep is not enough to think is not full, hard to eat something.

In fact, this will affect the physical development of the night. Growth hormone, which has an important effect on height, secretes the most in children, it can directly affect the body tissue cells, promote the growth of the body, especially can accelerate the growth of cartilage, make people grow tall.

And the secretion of growth hormone is pulse type, after entering deep sleep at night, this secretion will reach the peak, equal to 3 times of daytime secretion amount.

Baby to eat before bedtime, food digestion will stimulate the increase of digestive fluid, prolonged gastrointestinal peristalsis time, it is difficult to ensure that as soon as possible into a deep sleep, affecting the secretion of growth hormone at night.

and the human body at night metabolism, especially children, digestion and metabolic systems are weaker before bedtime diet will also aggravate the body's metabolic burden, causing indigestion, long time also lead to obesity.

In addition, after sleep saliva secretion reduced, after eating difficult to ensure oral cleansing, but also easy to induce pharyngeal infection and dental caries. Children are in a growing and developing period, to sleep well and to sleep enough.

It is best not to let the child eat before bedtime, and try to make sure to sleep before 10 o'clock, so that in the deep sleep to enjoy growth hormone, quickly grow up.

Abnormal sweating in 8 parts indicates 8 diseases

 Abnormal sweating in 8 parts indicates 8 diseases

1. Forehead sweating = Liver hyperactivity If the forehead often a lot of sweat, Chinese medicine think may be caused by liver hyperactivity.

Suggest you go to a hospital to check whether thyroid hormone secretion is normal because this is likely to be caused by excess thyroid hormone secretion.

Folk medicine practitioners suggest peacetime as far as possible to maintain peace of mind, less angry, women, in particular, to sleep fully every day, otherwise easy yin deficiency, liver hyperactivity.

Daily brewing Medlar Tea, has the effect of the flat liver.

2. Nose sweating = Insufficient lung gas If the usual nose love sweating, indicating that you have insufficient lung gas, need to recuperate to fill the gas.

From Western medicine theory, your immune system is also very low, need to enhance immunity. The suggestion of folk medicine physician: You should use your hands or tools to beat your legs every day.
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Among them, the focus is multiple beats, and press the left and right sides of the legs, because this is the body of your lungs through the distribution of the site, through such appropriate stimulation to achieve the purpose of conditioning lung meridian.

3. Neck sweating = Endocrine disorders Neck sweat glands are sparsely distributed, so few people sweat in their necks.

If your neck is often sweaty, it may be related to your systemic endocrine disorder.

Folk medicine practitioners suggest: It is best to go to a hospital to undergo a full hormone test.

4. Chest sweating = spleen and stomach rift If your chest is often sweaty, Chinese medicine says it is your spleen and stomach rift.

Western medicine thinks that in this case, your body's blood circulation is mostly slow, oxygen transport is not smooth.

Folk medicine practitioners suggest: Do not be overly anxious at ordinary times, also do not see a horror film, lest frighten excessively more sad spleen.

Eat less greasy, cold food, usually with astragalus, jujube bubble water to drink, can alleviate symptoms.

5. Armpit sweating = excessive sweat glands or excessive diet Many large sweat glands are distributed under the armpit, so there is more sweat.

But if the sweat secretion is too exuberant, most of your sweat glands are too large in diameter.

If sweat smells great, it's because your diet is overweight and you eat too many onions, garlic, onions and other foods. Folk medicine practitioners suggest,
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When the sweat glands are too large, you can go to the hospital to do a simple and effective laser treatment.

Diet also should be light, less salt fewer spices, eat more fruits, vegetables.

6. Palms, Arch sweating = spleen is not transported, damp-heat, blood deficiency of the spleen and stomach

If you are feeling tense, excited or afraid, palms or arch easy to sweat, Chinese medicine think you are most of the spleen is not transported, damp and humid, and blood deficiency.

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Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners recommend: Massage the abdomen after a day, massage 30 laps clockwise, and then counterclockwise massage 30 laps.

And to eat less, it is best not to eat cold food, such as ice cream, drink and so on.

7. Back sweating = Yin Weak, extreme fatigue

The distribution of sweat glands in the back is very small, so the back love sweating indicates that your body is weak, and has been extremely fatigued.

Folk medicine practitioners suggest: To ensure adequate sleep, a diet too rich, nutritious, nourishing Yin to the main, women can also do 15 minutes of morning and evening yoga meditation.

8. Sweating in private places = hot and humid bets, weak kidney and yang If your private place is sweating, Chinese doctors think your body is hot and humid and your kidneys are weak.

Western medicine felt that, in this case, the likelihood of bacterial inflammation is increased, or even make the smell of the private place heavier.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Several common misconceptions of parents

Several common misconceptions of parents

Many parents think that education is a school matter, they are not teachers, so cannot understand education. In fact, parents who hold this view are clearly shirking their responsibilities.

A prominent American educator has pointed out that education should not be started in schools by teachers, but should be started by parents in the family.

From the day the child is born, whether or not the parents are aware, we are in the role of children qualified or unqualified teachers.

Because child-age children's imitation is very strong, we are all the children's role model anytime, we all do to children play a subtle role.

And because children and parents day and age the longest, so often parents for children to provide a kind of growing soil, children will grow into what kind of person.

Therefore, parents should not completely put the responsibility of education to school, should be more to learn some correct, scientific tutor ideas and tutor methods.

Education is self-taught.
There are still many parents who think that it is natural and self-taught to educate children, and it is not necessary to invest in "How to be parents", because many of the experiences passed down from parents can be applied.

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Therefore, in the education of children encountered problems, these parents will never go to what parent class, and never go to read books on family education, only when the problem of children more and more serious, they think of consulting experts.

But in the face of his son, he had a very strong sense of failure, because his soon-to-be adult son not only unwilling to be close to him but also the very strong rebellious mentality, never listen to him. Later, he told a psychiatrist about his troubles.

After expert analysis, he knew that the original himself has been on the high leadership attitude of educating children, all things ordered, forced children to do, do not know how to respect and listen to the views of children, and ultimately led to the son's rebellion.

When the parents learned all this, regret to the psychologist said: "If I learn this knowledge with you earlier!"

It is too late, however, that even if a psychologist patiently guides his child, the damage to the child's heart will not be cured in a moment.

Education self-taught This view, hurt children in the invisible, parents must be vigilant.

Children are too small, education is the future. Many parents think that newborn babies don't know anything, and it's too early to educate them.

In fact, parents with this view lack the awareness of early education. Children's early education is particularly important, and education experts believe that the age of 6 is a critical period for children's many abilities to develop, such as language skills, observational skills, etc. Parents also do not think that as long as the children are taught to speak, they have the ability to express language.

Without the awareness of early education, parents, because they do not know how to tap the child's brain potential, will be missing the child's intellectual intelligence golden period.

Tree Nature Straight? When the child is small, many parents to the child some bad habits, such as impolite, lying and so on, think that the child when small mistakes are nothing, tree big natural straight. However, when the children grow up, the parents found that the "tree" is not only not straight, and the longer the more crooked.

At this time, the child's habits have been stereotyped, and then to correct it is not so easy. When children are small, parents should not be indifferent to their bad behavior, this will only give the child's life to leave a bad start.

Because early childhood is the child form good morals, behavior habit, healthy personality important period, at this time the child's right and wrong ability is very poor, self-control ability is also limited, they need the parent's certain bondage and discipline, in order to develop the good habit, healthy emotion.

Otherwise, children can easily develop bad habits, such as the will not firm, fear of failure, and even take a detour. 5.

Let the elderly with children, labor, and worry. Now a lot of young parents like to let the old people take their children, they think, this will not affect their work and worry.

As everyone knows, the parents of this approach to the child's life will have a lot of adverse effects. In the general family, the old people's educational ideas are relatively old, traditional, most of them can not afford the task of early intellectual intelligence.

Moreover, the general elderly are very doting, pampered children, easy to make children develop a lot of bad habits, such as bullying, selfish, willful, and so on, affect the child's good character and conduct of the formation. In addition, modern psychology studies show that children's emotional needs for their parents are not replaced by any other emotion.

Therefore, children brought up by the elderly, this demand is often not satisfied, so easy to cause feelings or personality deviation, resulting in such as psychological barriers, lack of love for people, violence and so on.

This is not conducive to the healthy growth of children, but also affect the relationship between parents and children. Of course, parents have a lot of wrong educational ideas, and here we are not going to enumerate them. But parents must be aware that scientific and correct educational concepts do not come into your brain for nothing, but only through learning that these ideas will arise.

During the autumn regimen

During the autumn regimen

Sack, the leaves are yellow, the leaves fall, autumn comes, the crisp fall, it feels comfortable and wide. Autumn is also the best health season, as the saying goes,

A summer without disease three points virtual", after the beginning of the autumn temperature gradually reduced, although the weather is cool, people are extremely prone to burnout, fatigue and so on.

In order to adapt to the changeable climate in autumn, you should pay attention to the following points in diet:

1, eat a degree, not blindly "paste fat." Summer weather is hot, people generally have a bad appetite, in the autumn, the climate is pleasant, the food is rich,

the appetite also with the big vibration, it does not pay attention, the diet will unknowingly overdose. Some people think that autumn is the harvest season, but also to fill the season, should increase dietary intake, supplemented by summer consumption.

The past Paste Autumn fat is because people usually cannot eat chicken, duck, fish and other animal food, weight overall is thin, so the autumn to eat more meat.

But now people live well, every day can eat food, and many people already belong to overweight and obesity. If the blind "stick fat", will absorb too much energy, excess energy will be converted into fat in the body accumulation, make people fat.

Obesity is a disease, but also a risk factor for chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.

Therefore, the autumn diet must be moderate, not indulge in appetite, feasting, to maintain a healthy weight.

2, the meal has the vegetables, eats the fruit every day. Autumn is the season of the year, vegetables and fruits are the most abundant, vegetables and fruits are vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and plant chemicals important sources, but also contains more water, low energy. Often eat fruits and

vegetables can promote good health, maintain intestinal normal function, improve immunity, reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, cancer and other chronic diseases.

The promotion of Dayton has vegetables, every day there is fruit.

3, light diet, less spicy greasy. Often eat greasy salty food is caused by obesity, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis and other chronic diseases, one of the risk factors.

High intake of dietary salts is closely related to the prevalence of hypertension. China's residents eat more than 10 grams of salt a day, far more than the recommended amount of 5 grams, daily intake of cooking oil 40 grams, far more than 25-30 grams of recommended volume.

Advised not to be too greasy, not too salty, do not often eat spicy, fried, smoked and pickled food.

4, enough to drink water, add moisture. Autumn dry gas is impatient, the human body moisture is easy to lose, need to pay attention to replenish in time.

There is not enough water in the body to feel thirsty, have headaches and affect cognitive ability. Healthy adults need about 2500 ml of water a day, in addition to getting a certain amount of water from food, you need to pay attention to drink water in time, at least 1500 ml of water a day. Don't drink water when you're thirsty.

The best choice of drinking water or light beverages, do not choose or choose less sugary beverages.

The etiology and clinical symptom of rhinitis

The etiology and clinical symptom of rhinitis

1. Virus infection Viral infection is the primary cause or secondary bacterial infection on the basis of viral infection. It is known that more than 100 kinds of viruses can cause this disease, the most common is the nasal virus, followed by influenza and deputy influenza virus, adenovirus, coronavirus, Coxsackie virus and mucus and vice-mucus virus.

The virus is transmitted mainly through the respiratory tract, followed by contamination or food into the body.

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2. Genetic factors A family history of allergic reactions is susceptible to this disease. Patients with family members have asthma, urticaria or drug allergy history. In the past, this patient was a special individual, and its ability to produce IgE antibodies in vivo was higher than that of normal people.

But in recent years, it has been found that there is no significant difference in the incidence of twins and the general population.

3. Nasal mucosa susceptibility Susceptibility arises from the constant stimulation of the antigen substance, but its susceptibility to the mast cells in the nasal mucosa, the number of neutrophils and the ability to release the chemical medium.

It has been proved that the number of nasal mucosa in patients with allergic rhinitis is not only higher than normal, but also has a strong ability to release chemical media.

4. Antigen substances An antigen substance that stimulates the body to produce an IgE antibody is called a allergen. The allergen enters the nasal mucosa again, and then binds to the corresponding IgE and causes allergic reactions.

Causes the disease the allergen according to it enters the human body the way divides into the inhalation sex and the food sex two main categories.

Inhaled allergen

① pollen is not all plant pollen can cause disease, only those who have a large amount of pollen, vegetation area wide, allergens strong, and the use of wind to spread pollen is most likely to become allergens. Because of the difference of vegetation varieties, the pollen with allergen in different regions is also different.

② fungi are widely distributed in nature, mainly in soil and corrupt organic matter. Both hyphae and spores have the allergen, but the spore is stronger.

③ House Dust mite is an arthropod portal spider. The adult size is generally 300~500μm. Main parasitic hos indoor every corner, in which mattress, pillow, sofa mat and other places in the dust most. The excretion of mites, the eggs, the cuttings and the limbs of their fragments can become allergens.

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④ Animal dander is one of the strongest allergens. Susceptible individuals may be sensitized if they are in contact with the animals concerned for a long time. The nasal symptoms can also be stimulated by contact with even a small amount of dander after sensitization.

⑤ indoor dust is one of the common allergens causing perennial rhinitis.

(2) The allergen should refer to the allergens of the nasal symptoms caused by the digestive tract entering the body. Its role in the nasal mucosa is very complex, so far it is still unclear.

Milk, eggs, fish and shrimp, meat, fruit, and even some kind of vegetable can become allergens.

Clinical Symptoms

1. Symptoms

(1) Nasal congestion is characterized by intermittent. Nasal congestion during daytime, hot weather, labor or exercise is reduced and nasal congestion increases during nighttime, sit-ins or cold. Another characteristic of nasal congestion is the alternating sex. If lying on the side, the lower nasal cavity obstruction, the upper side nasal ventilation good.

As a result of nasal congestion, sometimes have a sense of loss of smell, headache, dizziness, speech is a closed nasal symptoms.

(2) Many tears often for mucus or sticky purulent sex, occasionally into purulent.

More purulent than after secondary infection occurs.

(3) Olfactory decline is caused by more than two kinds of reasons, one is swollen nasal mucosa, nasal congestion, airflow can not enter the olfactory region, two for the olfactory region mucosa by chronic inflammation long-term stimulation, olfactory function decreases or disappears.

(4) Headache, dizziness, chronic sinusitis more than the head heavy feeling.

(5) The general performance of most people also have headaches, loss of appetite, easy fatigue, memory loss and insomnia.

2. Types of rhinitis

Rhinitis symptom has many kinds, according to the type of rhinitis is different, rhinitis symptom is also different:

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(1) Chronic rhinitis long-term intermittent or alternating nasal congestion, resulting in dizziness and brain swelling, seriously affecting sleep, work and learning.

Sticky purulent nose often pours into pharynx cavity, appear cough, phlegm. (2) Acute rhinitis

① early 1-2 days. Patients often have systemic discomfort, chills, fever, anorexia, headache and so on. Nasal cavity and nasopharynx dry, burning sensation, nasal itching, frequent sneeze.

② Acute period 2-5 days. The original symptom is aggravating.

Adult temperature of 38 degrees, children up to 39 degrees, often because of high fever vomiting, diarrhea, coma and even convulsions.

(3) Drug-induced rhinitis long-term use of a variety of nasal mucosa injury rhinitis drugs or laser, surgery, leading to persistent nasal congestion, often bleeding.

(4) atrophic rhinitis breath odor, nasal secretions are massive, tubular-like pus scab, not easy to blow out, pulling out the dry scab, a small number of epistaxis.

Often mistaken for a cold early rhinitis.

After cooler weather, some patients in the morning after the continuous sneezing, runny nose, temperature difference when the nasal congestion, mistakenly thought it was a cold and casually eat some cold medicine, resulting in worsening illness.

Right way to Remove acne permanent

The right way to Remove acne permanent

As a woman, life is inevitable, not long acne, some people can not find the right way to recuperate, and some people will soon be able to eradicate acne clean, reshape beautiful skin.

So, the next small series for you to introduce a quick acne simple method, we can refer to.

1, salt + white vinegar

Add half a tablespoon of white vinegar to a tablespoon of salt, then add some cold boiled water, and wait until the salt is melted away with a make-up cotton dipped in the liquid, apply in the place with acne.

Time: Apply once a day.

Efficacy: Long-term adherence to acne effect is obvious.

Also, Read About The etiology and clinical symptom of rhinitis

2, Honey + salt

Prepare two tablespoons of honey, salt a big spoon, the honey and salt into the bowl in a clockwise stirring, and then evenly smear on the face, and gently massage for 5-10 minutes, and finally wash away with water.

Time: Once a day.

Efficacy: Need to adhere to more than one months, both with acne effect is very good, but also to remove facial toxins.

Blain Blain muscle is miserable, the elimination is long, the correct acne way is such

3. Lean potato + lemon + Rose

This method of acne lies in the adjustment of external culture, from the beginning of conditioning endocrine, fundamentally conditioning the skin, so that the adjustment of external culture acne, is a small series of recommended acne method.

Material: Dry rose 5-10, red dates (go to Core) 3, dry lemon slices 3-5, Bashan thin potato 10-13 slices

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Practice: The Rose, red jujube, lemon wash with water, drain water, put all the material into the volume of 500 ml of water cups, injection 90 degrees above the clean water about 200 ml, bubble 3 minutes, and then into the cup of 200 ml of boiling water, such as water temperature appropriate to drink.

Time: Drink water every day until the water is colorless and tasteless. Efficacy: Can regulate endocrine, can effectively dispel each vaccination blain, make skin color beautiful tender nature.

Adhere to the half month to one month, with acne skin say goodbye.

4, Pearl powder + olive oil 

Wash the face after the milk, honey, olive oil and a proper amount of pearl powder on the mask on the paper, and then apply the mask on the face, and then smear with pearl powder toner, and finally coated emulsion, pat dry.